Teco APITXV 005 37

Description of the interface for writing data from / to the PLC system using the HTTP protocol.

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Teco API
The web server of Teco PLC systems is equipped with an API interface (TecoApi), where it provides services enabling reading and writing data from / to the PLC system using the HTTP protocol. The data is provided in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. JSON is a textual, language-independent format used for data exchange. For more details on the JSON format, see http://www.json.org/json-cz.html.
Order num. TXV 005 37
Teco code TXV 005 37
Categories Mosaic - SW Manuals
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SW documentation - manuals, programs, examples



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  • TECO API - ...t, I have a token variable with a max size of 2048, I am trying to declare it in the foxtrot 2 plc and set its value through TECO API. is it applicable? if not, what other options could use for that?...
  • TECO API - ...the application is as follows: AWS should set this token and save it in cp-2000, many ways to do this TCP/UDP connection or TECO API (I am trying both), and then cp-2000 will send an HTTPS request to the LWA OAuth server to refresh this token, and s...
  • UDP/TCP Packet Via VPN Network - Just to let you know, setting variables through TECO API works properly, only my problem with TCP/UDP connection