SysLib libraryTXV 003 48

The SysLib library contains functions that return information about the PLC system, configuration and its current status. Allows the application program to respond to the current configuration or state.

Picture Variant Variant description
SysLib library
Function libraries and function blocks are an integral part of the Mosaic programming environment installation. In terms of their construction, libraries can be divided into the following types:
  • built-in libraries
  • standard external libraries
  • user-defined libraries
The library can contain declarations of functions, function blocks, data types, and global variables.

The SysLib library is one of the standard libraries.
Order num. TXV 003 48
Teco code TXV 003 48
Categories Mosaic - Libraries of function blocks
Tags -

Mosaic - SW libraries



439.19 kB, (EN, RU, DE)

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  • Log user web logins - You can use GetWebServerAccess function from SysLib library to find out information about users who are currently connected to the web server in the PLC using an internet browser. I will try to add an example of project in Mosaic later yet.